stillness creativity

Exploring & cOACHING WHAT’S there /

We can think of Stillness Creativity as “the natural awareness from which ideas, insights and solutions emerge without effort.” We all have this capacity. We experience it every time we stop “intentionally trying” to solve something, go do something else, and get a truly inspired idea (like when we’re in the shower or walking our dog). It works without our doing, but it can also be cultivated. And not just for better ideas, but a more peaceful career and life.

You’re the expert /

I help my clients make room for “stillness creativity” as a practice, working with them to leverage what’s already (and always) there. But helping professional creatives come up with better ideas is only half of it. Another big aim is navigating the unique challenges of being a creative in commercial industry. We learn to work with the complexities of creative briefs, personal and colleague expectations, becoming a manager as we rise into director roles, watching our comparisons to others, dealing with imposter syndrome, burnout, frustration, striving, and all the rest of it.

I get it because I do it/

My name is Evan Fry and I’m a longtime creative-industry writer, creative director, executive and mentor. I understand the challenges unique to the business of being paid to come up with, direct and present ideas to clients who pay us handsomely (and might even be asking us to “save” their business). Our jobs are super cool, exciting and fun. But it can be tough. Plus, in many ways we’re just expected to know how to navigate all this, without any formal teaching. Creatives rise through the ranks with their talent, then find themselves in management roles and C-level business meetings. It requires a whole other skillset and suite of intangibles. I can teach these skillsets and intangibles. And I teach from stillness as the base. Always.

“It’s like having a personal trainer to get little mind out of big mind’s way.”

what’s the basic process?

I always start with lots of questions and a desire to hear what’s working, what isn’t, and what are the goals. I ask about passions, motivations, beliefs, values and temperaments. I hold myself to zero judgment. I expect honesty and I give it in return. We can go deep or stay practical. I remain flexible for each client, and grow with them. I teach, but I also learn.  

Insights, understandings and breakthroughs for creatives looking for more consistent success delivering ideas that resonate with creative directors, producers and clients.

More peaceful relationships with bosses, colleagues and everyone else. Learning how to compassionately regard and cooperate with all.

Help developing the skills to interface, collaborate with and understand client concerns and priorities.

Development of creative-director, management, and client-facing skills for creatives who find themselves "moving up" into new roles.

More consistent ability to access our own innate “quiet center” – from which all true creativity springs.

Help for creative directors who want to inspire, understand, listen, teach and grow their creative teams.

Presentation skill-building and confidence development for creatives who find themselves in meetings, never having been coached or taught these intangibles required to feel comfortable doing so.

Better understanding and acceptance of internal company dynamics.

Understanding of “what the problem really is” so it can be solved. Identifying and asking the right question.

Understanding how to be resilient and accepting of layoffs, promotions, firings and hirings.

benefits of stillness creativity: the individual

how stillness creativity benefits the whole organization

creatives blossom when space is held and skills are built. this trickles across all facets.

rising creative stars learn how to lead, manage and meet business objectives .

better communication throughout the organization. felt even on zooms.

less bitching at the water cooler. even the virtual water cooler.

organizations may even notice people taking fewer “mental health” leaves/PTos.

more words

Unlike most professional coaching that aims to help us be better leaders, communicators, thinkers or doers, this approach helps professional creatives better understand and accept their inner space, and leaves the achieving to their own ambition and path (for the most part). It’s a coaching “method” that can be over-simplifed as teaching us how to Watch Within Without resistance, judgment or story. Though it certainly sounds basic, it requires a lot of vigilance, because it’s subtle, counter-intuitive and cumulative. Though it has to become a daily practice to “work,” the “work” is worth it. Watching Within Without judgment of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and sensations allows them to be there. But no longer in the way, ignored, avoided or clouding our capacities. As we feel more and more of the innate peace that’s always there along with them, we begin shifting to our capital-S self identity, which is the “peaceful, quiet center” we all share. Where all true creativity starts.

Why focus on creatives in commercial industries?

First off, it has to be said that I believe everyone is a “creative.” But I also have found that “highly creative” people – the sort who spend their lives thinking and making, many of whom are paid to do so, and many of whom do it against deadlines – tend to have a lot more “going on up there.” You know, thoughts, ideas, solutions, stories, chatter, criticisms, insecurities, judgments… all of that. While I’m positive that most of us don’t talk about some of the less-fun parts to having highly creative traits, I’m also sure most of us know exactly what I’m getting at here. And while thankfully the majority of us don’t have a “problem” with the thoughts and feelings that accompany our brilliance, there’s no question a lot of us do. Just look at how many musicians, comedians, artists and makers have taken their own lives, and it’s hard to argue there’s not a connection with creativity and a need to manage all parts of the show.